1- We, scientifically , supervise on the process of honey production from the beginning until the final harvesting sorting and bottling process that strictly preserve the honey in its natural state.
2- We write down all the honey production data on stickers attached to our final product.
3- We Export our Honey production to different countries such as Germany ,Italy, USA ,Malaysia ,Netherlands, Sweden etc.
4- The company has participated in relevant international exhibitions in Switzerland, Japan, Canada , Italy, Jordan, Egypt , and Yemen.
5- Yemen Eye Company is considered the first company obtained a registered trade-mark in terms of Yemeni Honey.
6- We carry out specific analysis ,at the best labs in Yemen and abroad ,to exam in honey’s quality.
7- we sort out, filtrate and bottle the Yemeni Honey according to the recent scientific processes that guarantee the quality of the honey and preserve honey’s antibiotic substances that leading to keeping the natural honey’s curative ad preventive features and properties.
8- Our produced Yemeni Honey is row, this means; neither natural nor artificial products/substances are added ; no any ingredient is taken away of the natural honey; no other medicine or antibiotic substances are added during the process of bees’ nutrition and treatments.
9- Our staff are academically and technically qualified in terms of beekeeping and honey production according to the international standards.
10- In collaboration with local and international organization the company implemented supervisory operations on many apiaries (for many beekeepers and Honey Producer Associations) and conducted training programs for the Yemeni beekeepers as well according to the “High Value Market’s Requirements/Needs” Approach.
11- the company is an active partner with many local honey’s organizations through several activities such as provision of consultancy services ; provision requirements of beekeeping and honey production for the beekeepers in their remote areas according to local and international markets’ needs .and then buying the honey from them with lucrative prices in the local market.